
June 30, 2013

Feng Shui For In-laws

  I first discovered Feng Shui in the 1990’s. I use it to improve the many aspects of my life: professionally and personally.  I am not alone. This concept of balancing the energy of your life is very popular across the world.  I will briefly explain how to apply it to your relationships.

June 29, 2013

About Me

     Welcome to In-lawism !  The purspose of my blog is to help my readers create better relationships and grow-up with their in-laws. Maybe along the way resolve spousal issues.  All with a sense of humor. 

     I am a combat vet with years of experience being an in-law. Imagine my surprise when I discovered the two were not mutually exclusive!  I worked for years in the corporate world.  Lately I spend most of my spare time lounging with my dogs and my husband at our country home.

      I gained most of my relationship advice from my large family.  I’ve watched spouses come and go. I’ve seen in-laws wreak havoc or be the glue in a family. I gained some insight from the heartaches and the happiness experienced by colleagues and friends.

      I am not a licensed or certified in psychology. I am not a “relationship expert”. I am an expert on my own relationships and an expert observer of relationships.

      My goal is to post at least three times a week. Please join me and feel free to comment. Grow with me!

June 28, 2013

Laugh Past In-law Conflicts

     When things get tough with your in-laws you may find it easier to take it out on your spouse. After all they are not your parents.  Don’t fall into this vicious cycle. Instead try to see the lighter side of the situation.  Choose to strengthen your marriage and weaken the hate of your in-laws. As a child your parents might  have given you advice like:  picture someone in their underwear and don’t let a bully win by letting them get in the way of your good day. Guess what? Your in-laws are your bullies.

Bad Gifts From Your In-laws

     "I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury." Groucho Marx nailed this one. This is what crossed my mind, along with plenty of expletives, when I saw my husband standing in front of me holding the latest gift from my in-laws. I realize I’m not the only person out there with passive aggressive in-laws so I took a look on the web for examples of really bad gifts given by in-laws or the In-lawism gift giving process.  In-lawism \ˈin-ˌlȯ i-zəm\ gift giving : a gift your in-law gives you that is either inappropriate or hurtful.

June 26, 2013

The Many Seasons Of My Marriage

     I find myself ruled not by a calendar – at least not the Gregorian, Solar or Lunar.  Instead my life revolves around seasons: Big Game, Small Game, Dove, Woodcock, Snipe, Rail, September Goose & September Teal, Waterfowl, Furbearers.  Shotgun, .22 Rifle, Blackpowder, Muzzleloading. Fishing, Bowfish and Bowhunt.  

June 24, 2013

How To Teach Your In-laws

     You teach others how to treat you.  It’s true.  Your mother-in-law talks happily about your husband’s ex and ignores you, you get mad.  You just taught your mother-in-law how to get you upset.  Your father-in-law makes last minute plans he expects you to accommodate – and you do.  You just taught your father-in-law he can impose on your time.

Let My Husband Go

He went to summer camp, you went home – you let him go.

He went on his first date, you stayed home – you let him go.

He drove for the first time, you watched from the driveway – you let him go.

He went to college, hours away – you let him go.

He got his first apartment, moved out – you let him go.

You helped him grow into a man.

He fell in-love and got married. 

Your son is now my husband - please, let him go.

Let him go so he can take care of his house.

Let him go so he can start a family of his own.

Let him go so he can come back and say “Thank you, for all you’ve done”.

Let him go so he can make his own forever-memories with his wife.

Let him go so he can grow into a husband and a father.

Please, let my husband go.

June 21, 2013

Manage Your In-laws Save Your Marriage

     Your in-laws ask if they can babysit. They promise to follow any guidelines you as parents have set. You don’t have many – no candy, no junk food and nap time. Hours later you return only to find your child awake, face covered in chocolate, sitting on grandma’s lap as both smile innocently. 

June 17, 2013

Is More Time Apart Good For Your Relationship

     I recently read a statement online made by a Relationship Expert which suggested spending more time apart was good for your marriage.  It was an interesting piece with some overall good advice.  However, I have to disagree with the concept of spending more time apart.  While I don't suggest couples spend all their spare time together too much separation can lead to additional problems in the marriage. 

June 16, 2013


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Lessons Learned - Growing With My In-laws

   Over the years I’ve learned a lot about what works and doesn’t work in my marriage.  In the military it’s referred to as Lessons Learned.  Oddly enough I’ve come to realize that these lessons are not much different from the lessons you learn as a child.   

June 15, 2013

Have You Ever

…found your in-laws faces pressed up against your windows watching you and your spouse.

…cooked for your in-laws only to have your mother-in-law not eat it a single bite.

…woken up to find your in-laws in your home making breakfast.

June 13, 2013

In-law Advice

These bits of advice are based on well-known quotes or just good advice I have received.  I believe they hold much weight and can be applied to all relationships:


-Beware the relative that shares a little too much too quickly. Unless you are one of the lucky few that marries into that wonderful in-law family we all dream of, take heed. This is the relative that will try to gain your confidence by pretending to share intimate details pertaining to themselves or that of other family members. Their goal is to learn just enough about you and your relationship with your spouse. Just enough to sabotage it!


June 12, 2013


In-lawism’s \ˈin-ˌlȯ i-zəm\ : a word or phrase your in-law says that lets you know something really inappropriate is about to be said or done - usually in public.


The Bitter Limits

There is something with the world around you.
Feel free to adjust to madness around you.
They are controlling your life.

My Life As The Other Woman a.k.a The Daughter-In-Law

In this electronic age the introduction to my husband’s parents happened was via e-mail.  He informed his parents that he invited me to share the Christmas holiday with them. He saw it as an opportunity for all of us to meet.  His parents swiftly responded with an e-mail advising him that while he was welcome to visit – I was not.  If he were going to insist on having me there they recommended he stay at his brother’s house during my visit and I could join him there. Rejection One.

June 05, 2013

Remember that ...

...T.V. show with the cranky dad that misspoke his words? Well, that is called Malapropism (for an old lady-type character that mispronounced her words).

Have you spent years hearing words like these misused by your in-laws and fought hard to keep a straight face?

In-law Advice

-Set boundaries or as I like to say, “Keep yourself to yourself”. What I mean is no matter what category of in-law you’re in, your extended family does not need to know everything. You and your spouse need to be in agreement about what topics are off-limits for discussion outside of the bubble.

June 01, 2013

My in-laws are great!

Okay, I’m going to need your help to get this section started. So submit your good experiences with your in-laws!