
June 05, 2013

Remember that ...

...T.V. show with the cranky dad that misspoke his words? Well, that is called Malapropism (for an old lady-type character that mispronounced her words).

Have you spent years hearing words like these misused by your in-laws and fought hard to keep a straight face?


Supposebly – the combination of supposedly and possibly.

Irregardless – a double negative. Unfortunately, it can be found in descriptive dictionaries.  That’s basically a dictionary that has words commonly used in the social circles, non-traditional grammar.  This leads folks to believe it's correct. In other words, you wouldn't want your college English professor to catch you using it!

Fisical instead of fiscal

Aks instead of ask – ok, this one is me;)

Jewlery instead of jewelry

Realator instead of realtor
Pacifics instead of specifics

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