
June 05, 2013

In-law Advice

-Set boundaries or as I like to say, “Keep yourself to yourself”. What I mean is no matter what category of in-law you’re in, your extended family does not need to know everything. You and your spouse need to be in agreement about what topics are off-limits for discussion outside of the bubble.

-Be ready to protect your relationship from your in-laws. In the military there is an expression, “There’s always one.” When it comes to an extended family you can be sure there is going to be at least one person that is NOT happy when you are happy.

-In the event that your in-laws cross the line, breathe then drive on. There is nothing to be gained by a knock-out drag out. Try to keep all responses respectful and be sure to discuss later with your spouse or partner.

-If necessary to the sanctity of your marriage remember, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder”. Apply my 3-hour rule which states, “Though shall not live within a 3-hour distance from your in-laws.” All special occasions remain special because you know you will be returning to your home-away-from-their-home ….. aaaaaaah ;)

-“I love you, I just don’t like you right now.” This can apply with any family member even your spouse.  No matter what self-help books you read or what New Age belief you follow I firmly believe this is true. Stressing yourself out trying to like everyone in your immediate or extended family ALL the time is a losing battle. Giving in to the concept that folks are human (including you!) and are not always likeable (GASP!) can be a blessing unto itself.






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