
July 27, 2013

3 Simple Romantic Gestures: Relationship Advice

Have fun jump starting your romantic relationship by dedicating some alone time with your partner or spouse.  At the risk of being repetitive I believe the idea of “dating” your spouse deserves props!  After all it’s not a blind date, you know you’ll be attracted and there’s no waiting for your date to show up.  The best part?  If done right, it’s free and no in-laws necessary!

Share a cup of coffee – Remember that rocker I told you we have? We still enjoy sharing a cup of Joe while going over our day, our relationship goals and rocking away.  Don’t have a rocker or a porch? If you have a backyard or a park nearby, pull out that picnic blanket!  We like to make a small meal together made up of our favorite appetizers. It’s like one big sampler.  Raining?  Even better!  Sleep in and snuggle.  Make breakfast together then sneak back into bed. 
Go old school, use a pen or say Thank You – Write a love note.  None of that roses are red, violets are blue stuff either.  Keep it simple sweetie.  List the top three things that attracted you to your loved one.  Thank him or her for that wonderful dinner the night before. Show your appreciation by pointing out something big or small and its impact on your day. 
On the way home the other day I did what most of us females do.  I ran through a mental list of all my to-do’s.  Living out in the country typically trash is handled by burning, recycling (fertilizer/compost) or trekking to the dumpsters.  Imagine my surprise when I arrived home and realized my husband hand already taken care of it.  I made one of his favorite dishes, had a nice hot pot of coffee waiting, a hug, a kiss and a great big “Thank You” when he got home.  After dinner we snuggled with the T.V. and the dogs to chat the night away.  I can hear all females groaning at this point.  I know I didn’t have to thank him for doing his part in the home but here is the bonus.  Woke up this morning and found a magical elf mowing the lawn.  Yep, you guessed it.  He was inspired by what he saw as a romantic gesture and this lead to him doing something else I’d appreciate.  So, I wrote him a little love poem and stuck it to the back door so it will be the first thing he sees on his way in.  That darned ripple effect – gotta love it!

Dance – I like to grab my husband at a random moment indoors or outdoors and dance to the music in my heart.  He always pretends it bothers him or I’m interrupting his flow.  Slowly the smile spreads on his face; he’ll hold me tighter and tell me he loves me. Sometimes he’ll start singing in my ear.  The dance can last a while or just a minute.  The touch and the sentiment is the important thing.  Okay, so there was that one time he picked me up and threatened to toss me.  What can say men can be goofy.  I threatened to give him a wet-willy faster than he could toss me and he saw the light.  That’s the kind of light-heartedness that I love about us as a couple.

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